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LCD retreat

LCD retreat

The most rewarding part of being a scientist is to be able to ponder, to interact and to create. The LCD retreat is such an exciting time during which we ponder, we interact and we create collectively as a "LCD brain". Through these dynamic interactions, multiple unexpected thoughts and hypotheses emerge that are awaiting for us to explore further and deeper! Let us keep cultivating this culture to inspire ourselves and others!

The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it’s to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel they’re valued.

- Ken Robinson

Retreat committee: Carolyn + Mika

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Plan the retreat...

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5-min elevator pitch

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human brains are wonderfully interactive... creativity which I define as the process of having original ideas that have value more often than not comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.


- Ken Robinson

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Intelligence is diverse, dynamics... and distinct....


- Ken Robinson

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What are the links among signaling, metabolism and drug combinations?

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If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original.


- Ken Robinson

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Best chefs --- Jen-Hao and Feng-Shu!

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We are thinking while sleeping...

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Energize our brain and body!

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Trust your teammates!

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Brainstorming about the future!

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